Course Outline

Session 1 — Business Overview of Why IoT is so important

  • Case Studies from Nest, CISCO and top industries
  • IoT adaptation rate in North American & and how they are aligning their future business model and operation around IoT
  • Broad Scale Application Area
  • Smart House and Smart City
  • Industrial Internet
  • Smart Cars
  • Wearables
  • Home Healthcare
  • Business Rule Generation for IoT
  • 3 layered architecture of Big Data — Physical (Sensors), Communication, and Data Intelligence

Session 2 — Introduction of IoT: All about Sensors – Electronics

  • Basic function and architecture of a sensor — sensor body, sensor mechanism, sensor calibration, sensor maintenance, cost and pricing structure, legacy and modern sensor network — all the basics about the sensors
  • Development of sensor electronics — IoT vs legacy, and open source vs traditional PCB design style
  • Development of sensor communication protocols — history to modern days. Legacy protocols like Modbus, relay, HART to modern day Zigbee, Zwave, X10,Bluetooth, ANT, etc.
  • Business driver for sensor deployment — FDA/EPA regulation, fraud/tempering detection, supervision, quality control and process management
  • Different Kind of Calibration Techniques — manual, automation, infield, primary and secondary calibration — and their implication in IoT
  • Powering options for sensors — battery, solar, Witricity, Mobile and PoE
  • Hands on training with single silicon and other sensors like temperature, pressure, vibration, magnetic field, power factor etc.

Demo : Logging data from a temperature sensor

Session 3 — Fundamental of M2M communication — Sensor Network and Wireless protocol

  • What is a sensor network? What is ad-hoc network?
  • Wireless vs. Wireline network
  • WiFi- 802.11 families: N to S — application of standards and common vendors.
  • Zigbee and Zwave — advantage of low power mesh networking. Long distance Zigbee. Introduction to different Zigbee chips.
  • Bluetooth/BLE: Low power vs high power, speed of detection, class of BLE. Introduction of Bluetooth vendors & their review.
  • Creating network with Wireless protocols such as Piconet by BLE
  • Protocol stacks and packet structure for BLE and Zigbee
  • Other long distance RF communication link
  • LOS vs NLOS links
  • Capacity and throughput calculation
  • Application issues in wireless protocols — power consumption, reliability, PER, QoS, LOS
  • Sensor networks for WAN deployment using LPWAN. Comparison of various emerging protocols such as LoRaWAN, NB-IoT etc.
  • Hands on training with sensor network

Demo : Device control using BLE

Session 4 — Review of Electronics Platform, production and cost projection

  • PCB vs FPGA vs ASIC design-how to take decision
  • Prototyping electronics vs Production electronics
  • QA certificate for IoT- CE/CSA/UL/IEC/RoHS/IP65: What are those and when needed?
  • Basic introduction of multi-layer PCB design and its workflow
  • Electronics reliability-basic concept of FIT and early mortality rate
  • Environmental and reliability testing-basic concepts
  • Basic Open source platforms: Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Beaglebone, when needed?

Session 5 — Conceiving a new IoT product- Product requirement document for IoT

  • State of the present art and review of existing technology in the market place
  • Suggestion for new features and technologies based on market analysis and patent issues
  • Detailed technical specs for new products- System, software, hardware, mechanical, installation etc.
  • Packaging and documentation requirements
  • Servicing and customer support requirements
  • High level design (HLD) for understanding of product concept
  • Release plan for phase wise introduction of the new features
  • Skill set for the development team and proposed project plan -cost & duration
  • Target manufacturing price

Session 6 — Introduction to Mobile app platform for IoT

  • Protocol stack of Mobile app for IoT
  • Mobile to server integration –what are the factors to look out
  • What are the intelligent layer that can be introduced at Mobile app level ?
  • iBeacon in IoS
  • Window Azure
  • Amazon AWS-IoT
  • Web Interfaces for Mobile Apps ( REST/WebSockets)
  • IoT Application layer protocols (MQTT/CoAP)
  • Security for IoT middleware- Keys, Token and random password generation for authentication of the gateway devices.

Demo : Mobile app for tracking IoT enabled trash cans

Session 7 — Machine learning for intelligent IoT

  • Introduction to Machine learning
  • Learning classification techniques
  • Bayesian Prediction-preparing training file
  • Support Vector Machine
  • Image and video analytic for IoT
  • Fraud and alert analytic through IoT
  • Bio –metric ID integration with IoT
  • Real Time Analytic/Stream Analytic
  • Scalability issues of IoT and machine learning
  • What are the architectural implementation of Machine learning for IoT

Demo : Using KNN Algorithm for regression analysis

Demo : SVM based classification for image and video analysis

Session 8 — Analytic Engine for IoT

  • Insight analytic
  • Visualization analytic
  • Structured predictive analytic
  • Unstructured predictive analytic
  • Recommendation Engine
  • Pattern detection
  • Rule/Scenario discovery — failure, fraud, optimization
  • Root cause discovery

Session 9 — Security in IoT implementation

  • Why security is absolutely essential for IoT
  • Mechanism of security breach in IOT layer
  • Privacy enhancing technologies
  • Fundamental of network security
  • Encryption and cryptography implementation for IoT data
  • Security standard for available platform
  • European legislation for security in IoT platform
  • Secure booting
  • Device authentication
  • Firewalling and IPS
  • Updates and patches

Session 10 — Database implementation for IoT : Cloud based IoT platforms

  • SQL vs NoSQL-Which one is good for your IoT application
  • Open sourced vs. Licensed Database
  • Available M2M cloud platform
  • Cassandra -Time Series Data
  • Mongo-DB
  • Omega
  • Ayla
  • Libellium
  • CISCO M2M platform
  • AT &T M2M platform
  • Google M2M platform

Session 11 — A few common IoT systems

  • Home automation
  • Energy optimization in Home
  • Automotive-OBD
  • IoT-Lock
  • Smart Smoke alarm
  • BAC ( Blood alcohol monitoring ) for drug abusers under probation
  • Pet cam for Pet lovers
  • Wearable IOT
  • Mobile parking ticketing system
  • Indoor location tracking in Retail store
  • Home health care
  • Smart Sports Watch

Demo : Smart city application using IoT

Demo : Retail, Transportation & Logistics Use case for IoT

Session 12 — Big Data for IoT

  • 4V- Volume, velocity, variety and veracity of Big Data
  • Why Big Data is important in IoT
  • Big Data vs legacy data in IoT
  • Hadoop for IoT-when and why?
  • Storage technique for image, Geospatial and video data
  • Distributed database- Cassandra as example
  • Parallel computing basics for IoT
  • Micro services Architecture

Demo : Apache Spark


Basic knowledge of business operation, devices, electronics systems and data systems

Basic understanding of software and systems

Basic understanding of Statistics (in Excel levels)


 21 Hours

Testimonials (1)