Course Outline


  • Understanding data stewardship
  • The role of data stewards
  • Overview of Talend Data Stewardship

Getting Started

  • Navigating the interface
  • Setting up your environment
  • Integration with other Talend products

Data Quality Management

  • Principles of data quality
  • Identifying data quality issues
  • Cleansing data in Talend Data Stewardship

Task Management

  • Creating and managing tasks
  • Assigning tasks to data stewards
  • Workflow management

Collaboration and Workflow Customization

  • Collaborative features in Talend Data Stewardship
  • Customizing workflows
  • Best practices for effective collaboration

Advanced Features and Techniques

  • Advanced data cleansing techniques
  • Handling complex data quality scenarios
  • Automating data stewardship processes

Monitoring and Reporting

  • Monitoring data quality
  • Reporting in Talend Data Stewardship
  • Analyzing data stewardship metrics

Case Studies and Real-world Applications

  • Case study analysis
  • Applying Talend Data Stewardship in different industries
  • Problem-solving in data stewardship scenarios

Best Practices and Governance

  • Establishing data governance policies
  • Best practices for data stewards
  • Ensuring compliance and data security

Summary and Next Steps


  • Basic understanding of data management
  • Basic knowledge of database systems and data processing


  • Data analysts
  • Data managers
  • IT professionals
 14 Hours

Testimonials (1)